Assassin's Creed Rogue Preview - A Sullen Swell | GodisaGeek
Added: 13.10.2014 22:12 | 8 views | 0 comments
Mick Fraser: "Lets get one thing right out of the way first. My time with Rogue has revealed one concrete, undeniable fact: Rogue is Black Flag 2. Given that AC IV is my favourite entry so far, thats not a bad thing at all, but it might be seen as a bit of a kick in the misters for last gen gamers who were hoping for something a little different."
| Assassin's Creed Unity Xbox One Bundle Leaked by European Retailer, Black Flag Included as Well
Added: 13.10.2014 18:12 | 12 views | 0 comments
looks like an Assassins Creed Unity Xbox One bundle might be coming, at least in Europe, and at least if the Austrian retailer Gameware is to be believed.
| Assassins Creed Unitys AI Is Going To Be Scrutinized By Gamers Like Never Before
Added: 13.10.2014 8:12 | 8 views | 0 comments
MegaJon writes "In a way Ubisoft has backed their way into a corner. If the AI is indeed the reason that both consoles are 900p, we should be expecting to see a next generation type AI present in the final release. Its hard to say what massive improvements Ubisoft has made over Assassins Creed Black Flag that is being held back by the processors of these two systems. Considering the PS4 had no problem playing Black Flag at 1080p with no real slowdown, there must be a massive improvement in AI for Unity that would cause a CPU bottleneck."
Tags: United, Ubisoft, Creed, Black, Flag, Black Flag, Live, Games, Assassins Creed, Assassins, Assassins Creed
| Interview: Assassin's Creed Unity Expands on the Franchise's Historical Reach With New Gameplay
Added: 08.10.2014 20:00 | 8 views | 0 comments
History has easily proven itself the defining characteristic in one of my favorite open-world video game franchises, so I was excited to get a chance to speak with the mind responsible for every factoid I've ever gotten correct on a history exam during a preview event for Assassin's Creed Unity last week.
Don't forget to read our full hands-on preview of the game here and be sure to stick with GameRevolution for more Assassin's Creed coverage in the coming weeks. We also got hands-on with Assassin's Creed Rogue this week and we'll bring you new video and impressions of both titles before launch day, November 11th, 2014. Read on for our interview with AC Historian, Maxime Durand.
GameRevolution: The history aspect of AssassinÄ‚Ë€â„Ës Creed is my favorite part of the franchise. ItÄ‚Ë€â„Ës odd though, because in school I hated the idea of studying history, I felt like it was really boring. I made this known in class and it wasnÄ‚Ë€â„Ët until AssassinÄ‚Ë€â„Ës Creed III that I felt like this is this really interactive way of understanding history that couldnÄ‚Ë€â„Ët be taught. WhatÄ‚Ë€â„Ës the challenge there?
Maxime Durand: Every game is a different challenge. ItÄ‚Ë€â„Ës the same with the French Revolution. People have expectations over some time periods like the French and American revolutions which are very well known. Even pirates in Black Flag, I mean people have ideashellip;
GR: Like you can find records of slave trade...
MD: Yeah, and pirates well, usually they donÄ‚Ë€â„Ët keep great records so you have to understand the challenge in understanding criminology and then comparisons to motorcyclists in criminal gangs, but for a game like AssassinÄ‚Ë€â„Ës Creed Unity the challenge was making sure it was right, it was apolitical so not, weÄ‚Ë€â„Ëre not taking sides in the way the French revolution is interpreted.
I mean, there are many aspects in the way we reproduce the city so for instance thereÄ‚Ë€â„Ës the visual appeal, thereÄ‚Ë€â„Ës this map weÄ‚Ë€â„Ëre going to use and reuse, we make sure the old layouts are fine and then we make sure all the landmarks we have in the game and thereÄ‚Ë€â„Ës a lot of them, thereÄ‚Ë€â„Ës like 76 of them, from very high reproduction to lower fidelity reproduction and then we make sure we have landmarks everywhere that are relevant in history, theyÄ‚Ë€â„Ëre relevant with the gameplay that we have around them. TheyÄ‚Ë€â„Ëre nice to see and play with in the game and then you have whatÄ‚Ë€â„Ës on the street, what people do, how do you make the city alive? ThatÄ‚Ë€â„Ës one of the challenges and then on the other side thereÄ‚Ë€â„Ës all this challenge in making sure we hit the right historical events and historical characters and in the French Revolution there are so many different characters and so many different events that itÄ‚Ë€â„Ës hard to choose from.
The American Revolution, people knew it just a little bit and more of the events this time around are well-known and we donÄ‚Ë€â„Ët want only to go with what people know and expect, we want to with more of that and making it very alive so you have fun discovering new stuff.
GR: Is that an iterative process or do you say this is where we want to go, this is the history we want to look at, and then the game is designed around that mission statement?
MD: ItÄ‚Ë€â„Ës iterative. The more we go into the production process, the more we learn about the revolution and obviously from the start we tried to think about what are going to be the main events and characters and then even after that it can always change a lot. What you have in-hand with AssassinÄ‚Ë€â„Ës Creed Unity is very different from what we had a year ago. ItÄ‚Ë€â„Ës always changing. The more we see like sometimes a character makes sense historically but then on the other side you have the technology to do a mission that canÄ‚Ë€â„Ët be in the game or the mission has changed and evolved and then we want to change the whole thing to make sure the technology and gameplay is relevant with the history. ItÄ‚Ë€â„Ës not just a Hollywood set. ItÄ‚Ë€â„Ës a vivid setting and everything has to have very strong links together.
GR: That was one thing that immediately attracted me to the series was that the first game was set in the middle ages which is completely foreign for video gameshellip;
MD: Especially, Jerusalemhellip;
GR: And itÄ‚Ë€â„Ës so rich in history and tone and then each game has really changed how it presents itself so the Italian "trilogy" is very, very steeped in that culture and I want to ask if there is a framework or what system do you have in place to layer history into gameplay?
MD: First, we try to understand the time periods and we go with the really general stuff about every time period thatÄ‚Ë€â„Ës different and we try to understand, for instance with Assassin's Creed III, we tried to understand what type of gameplay we could add and we went for naval mechanics and that isnÄ‚Ë€â„Ët really relevant for the French Revolution, but thatÄ‚Ë€â„Ës the kind of decision where we look at whatÄ‚Ë€â„Ës important in this time era, whatÄ‚Ë€â„Ës important in these events, whatÄ‚Ë€â„Ës the layout of the city and the more we go towards production the more we go into details. Sometimes there are things that we just couldnÄ‚Ë€â„Ët decide because either we donÄ‚Ë€â„Ët have enough information or we find out itÄ‚Ë€â„Ës not as relevant or we have to make a choice and go with something else.
Towards the beginning of the process, the scriptwriters, the core team will read a lot of books, watch a lot of movies and TV series, and the more we go into the details weÄ‚Ë€â„Ëll dig into archives to find very specific plans for the buildings or texture artists will ask for details ofhellip; for instance, an example in the city of Paris you have on the walls, maybe you saw them, there are grafittis and all of these are things we dug into history books for specialized art history where we could find records of real grafittis from that era. Sometimes we donÄ‚Ë€â„Ët have all the details and thatÄ‚Ë€â„Ës history. Sometimes we only have parts of it and weÄ‚Ë€â„Ëre discovering or trying to discover the past and make this city believable so when we donÄ‚Ë€â„Ët have all the information we go for an artistic view of history. Otherwise we try to bring as much real information into the game as we can.
All the crowd life is based on a document noting what people were doing in the street, what common people were doing in the streets of Paris. We used books that talked about corporations in the middle-class, upper-middle class, clock makers for instance. How do we bring that in the game? How does that effect the buildings? If you go in the first level of every building thereÄ‚Ë€â„Ës a shop and the second level is a rich family and the more you go in heights in buildings in the city of Paris, the more you go into poor people the apartment is smaller. ItÄ‚Ë€â„Ës the kind of history details that make a difference in the game.
GR: Is there historical accuracy in the interior designs like the taverns? I did one mission where I went into a monastery where monks were murdered. Is there a source for that kind of detail?
MD: Obviously, yes. Again every game is different in the way we manage history and the way we use history and we always try to make sure that itÄ‚Ë€â„Ës fun and realistic whilst having a good balance with history. WeÄ‚Ë€â„Ëre not trying to reach 100% accuracy and it would be impossible anyways.
GR: Does emotion sort of override history?
MD: The emotion is important. You watch a movie and itÄ‚Ë€â„Ës not just a setting, itÄ‚Ë€â„Ës the experience that you have and I think thatÄ‚Ë€â„Ës what we have here and the volumetric clouds and fog and having the city covered in dust and itÄ‚Ë€â„Ës something you feel in every different district in the city and thatÄ‚Ë€â„Ës what make it believable. Yeah, interiors, a lot of them are drawn from archives and some of the architecture that still exists today. ThatÄ‚Ë€â„Ës something with France and Paris and a lot of the details we have from today, a lot of people researched directly in Paris. With ACIII and Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag we had to dig a lot to get small details and information because itÄ‚Ë€â„Ës not studied as much or known as much.
GR: I was in a really small group of people who really liked AssassinÄ‚Ë€â„Ës Creed III. I gave it a 5/5. ItÄ‚Ë€â„Ës the kind of game where I got it the weekend before release and I played straight through and the character of Connor, he really does cut through the revolutionary war in that dramatic fashion, but in AssassinÄ‚Ë€â„Ës Creed Unity thereÄ‚Ë€â„Ës this focus on cooperative elements and side missions and distractions and a very lush open world, so even though every player is Arno even when they go online, is there still that motivation, that emphasis on his mission?
MD: IÄ‚Ë€â„Ëm super happy you bring up this point because with AssassinÄ‚Ë€â„Ës Creed III, I worked on that for a long time and I was happy we were able to see all of those historical events and have the character in it, although sometimes it may have felt like a bit of a Forrest Gump effect. Every time he was there, this time aroundhellip; we tried that but I think we learned that we prefer to have someone thatÄ‚Ë€â„Ës a bit away in the background. The more you go into the cooperative missions and side content, the more you feel like youÄ‚Ë€â„Ëre going towards history. You have less of the Templar and Assassin layer and more of just history. I think it enables us to have triple times the historical characters we used to have traditionally because for instance, you meet an executioner and you meet Schmidt, the inventor of the guillotine.
In the main path, youÄ‚Ë€â„Ëre fighting you way through to save the world and to save your own soul and sometimes it feels difficult to take time to meet people and do side quests and I think thatÄ‚Ë€â„Ës what we have right now. You can take that time and when you do side quests youÄ‚Ë€â„Ëre experience something thatÄ‚Ë€â„Ës really deep and then you can come back to the main mission afterwards if you want. It doesnÄ‚Ë€â„Ët break the feeling of history or the line of history. Obviously, we restrain players from meeting characters that they shouldnÄ‚Ë€â„Ët at that moment so for instance, you see one person in the main path and you might also see him in the side content but itÄ‚Ë€â„Ës all weaving together.
Tags: Evil, Arts, When, With, Creed, Black, Flag, Black Flag, Live, American, Revolution, Every, French, Down, Party, Reef, Gulf, Ready
| Assassins Creed IV Black Flag Xbox 360 Now Available For A Reduced Price On TigerDirect
Added: 06.10.2014 23:12 | 10 views | 0 comments
Assassins Creed IV Black Flag, the latest entry of the Assassins Creed series released last year on consoles and PC, is now available for a reduced price on TigerDirect.
| Price drop: $17.00 off Assassins Creed IV 4 Black Flag PS4 Game, now only $56.99
Added: 24.09.2014 11:20 | 7 views | 0 comments
Save $17.00 on Assassins Creed IV 4 Black Flag PS4 Game! The price of Assassins Creed IV 4 Black Flag PS4 Game has been dropped by $17.00, order now from with free delivery to Australia and New Zealand.
Tags: Gain, Says, Creed, Black, Flag, Black Flag, Prime, Australia, Assassins Creed, Assassins, Assassins Creed
| Assassin's Creed: The Americas Collection Available For Pre-order At Amazon for $40, No PC Version
Added: 13.09.2014 10:15 | 7 views | 0 comments
Earlier this week, Ubisoft announced Assassin's Creed: The Americas Collection, a bundle of three previous Assassin's Creed titles: "Assassin's Creed III, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and Assassin's Creed III: Liberation HD". Today, some new details about the collection has arrived along with update that retailer AMAZON has started taking pre-orders for this special collection.
| Ubisoft Confirms Assassin's Creed Americas Collection - IGN News
Added: 08.09.2014 23:01 | 16 views | 0 comments
Ubisoft has today confirmed the release of Assassin's Creed - The American Saga. This compilation of the three America-based Assassin's Creed games -- Assassin's Creed 3, Assassin's Creed Liberation and Assassin's Creed Black Flag -- will be available on PC, PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 from October 3 in Europe, and from 23 October in the US.
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